When was the last time Lam initiated a split of its publicly traded stock?

The most recent three-for-one split of the company's common stock was approved by stockholders on March 6, 2000, and was effective March 17, 2000.

When is Lam expected to release its next financial results report?

Please visit our Events Presentations page to view financial release dates and other upcoming events.

Can I purchase stock directly from Lam?

No, Lam does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan. If you would like to purchase publicly traded stock in Lam Research Corporation, we suggest you contact your broker.

Does Lam have a DRIP plan?

No, Lam does not currently offer a Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

Does Lam issue dividends?

Lam Research initiated a quarterly cash dividend in 2014.  Please click here to see the press release for further details.  Future dividend payments are subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors.

When was Lam founded? When did Lam issue its IPO?

Lam was first organized under the laws of the State of California January 21, 1980, and re-organized as a Delaware Corporation September 8, 1989. Lam's initial public offering was May 11, 1984.

What is the origin of the name Lam? Is it an acronym for something?

Lam was named for its founder, David Lam. Though David Lam is no longer with the company, the name was retained. The correct reference to the company is "Lam Research Corporation", but we often do business as just "Lam Research".

Who is Lam's transfer agent?

Lam's designated transfer agent is Computershare Investor Services. The transfer agent is responsible for maintaining all records of registered stockholders (including change of address, telephone number, and name), canceling or issuing stock certificates, and resolving problems related to lost, destroyed, or stolen certificates. If you are a registered stockholder of Lam Research Corporation and need to change your records pertaining to stock, please contact Computershare Investor Services at the number listed below, or visit the Computershare website at

Transfer Agent:
Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 43078
Providence RI 02940-3078

TDD for Hearing Impaired: 1-800-952-9245

Foreign Shareowners: 1-781-575-2879

Website Address:

The Investor Service Direct (ISD) system will allow the holder, once a pin is established, to view their holdings (shares issued by certificate only), request duplicate 1099's, and update contact information.
